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Looking for The Gideon Mandate?
Thank you for giving to this ministry. Your generous gift will go toward our goal of reaching millions with the Gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world. We pray that you will partner with us, as we seek a harvest of souls reached for His Kingdom!
We believe that God is sending us spirit-led partners for the year 2021 who will specifically pray for our ministry as they sow, believing that God has sent us to reap a harvest of souls and to bring breakthrough into the lives of men and women around the world. There is no greater honor you could do us than to partner with the mandate God has placed on our lives, and we in turn commit to put every seed to work in delivering the message of Jesus Christ to the broken.
Not only do we believe that your seed brings change to others' lives, but we also know that sowing and reaping is a biblical principle, set forth by God. That is why we pray over each and every one of our partners on a regular basis; we believe that God will bless you and bring breakthrough to your life and loved ones. We pray for our partners on a regular basis, and ask that our partners stand with us in agreement and prayer for the harvest of souls and the transformation of lives by the power of God. ​
Richest Blessings,